The Quartus Prime Software Foundation (Instructor-led Virtual Training)

Course Description

You will learn how to use the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software to develop an FPGA design from initial design to device programming. You will create a new project, input new or existing design files, and compile your project. You’ll learn how to search for compilation information, use settings and assignments to adjust the results of compilation, and manage I/O-related assignments using the Pin Planner and the BluePrint Platform Designer. You will also learn about device programming files and how to program an FPGA device on your board. You will learn techniques to help you plan your design. You will employ Quartus Prime features that can help you achieve design goals faster. You will also learn how to plan and manage I/O assignments for your target device.

At Course Completion

You will be able to:

  • Make pre-project decisions to prepare for Quartus Prime design
  • Create, manage, and compile Quartus Prime projects
  • Use Quartus Prime tools to view the results of compilation
  • Review compilation results in various Quartus Prime software reports and graphical viewers
  • Plan and manage device I/O assignments using Pin Planner and the BluePrint Platform Designer
  • Understand device programming files and their use with the Quartus Prime Programmer

Skills Required

  • Background in digital logic design
  • Ability to describe a hardware system using VHDL, Verilog, or EDA schematic tool
  • Experience with PCs and the Windows operating system

Follow-on Courses

Upon completing this course, we recommend the following courses (in no particular order):

Related Courses

Below are the related courses you may be interested in:

Applicable Training Curriculum

This course is part of the following Altera training curriculum:


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